Erik Nordling
A seasoned and robust professional having spent his career years in the global IT- and Telecommunications markets with significant experience from USA, Latin America, Western and Central Europe and the Middle East as well as extensive time spent within Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa.
Since 1984, engaged in a multitude of corporate start-up activities, managing people, commercial, technical and political aspects.
An experienced and appreciated people manager for highly skilled professionals and an enabling person with proven results in terms of commercial and personal growth of all kinds.
Specialities: How to drive a change process, How to design a successful introduction of new technologies (IT &
Telecommunications), Cross disciplin initiatives (Business vs. Technology, Data vs Voice, Cross-border implementation)
Special interest: The dynamics of a multi-cultural work-force, the importance of having the right people, what to do if you don´t have them and associated executive coaching/mentoring.
Prime characteristics: Integrity, Transparency, Common sense and Result Focus.
Selected accomplishments
- Member of the start-up team of the Paris-based Global Networking Practice of the IBM Consulting Group, later
Nordic Principal of the Networking Practice and Managing Principal of the Swedish IBM Consulting activities. - Managed the change of the Ericsson Enterprise subsidiaries in Latin America from product sales into solution sales with a turn-over of 250+ MSEK with Ericsson-leading profitability.
- Contributed as a member of the management team creating the Ericsson Business Unit Global Services, which is today more than 50% of Ericsson’s revenue, merging 8 services departments into one.
- Managed the total re-vamping of the Ericsson Sales Process and its global implementation, including a full
portfolio of Sales Management tools, in a Sales Force of 6.000 people in 120+ countries - Managed the re-introduction of the Contract Manager profession into the global Ericsson organization, moving
from 5 to 150+ professionals, resulting in major improvement actions in terms of risk, profitability and working capital. The approach and the progress were shared with the IACCM (International Association for Contract and Commercial Management) communities in the US (forum in Atlanta, Georgia) and Europe (forum in London). - Introduced structure and control in the Sales and Implementation activities for Ericsson in Saudi Arabia, an
operation with 1.200 employees from 42 countries, later the base for a model for global reduction of working
capital with a bottom line potential of several Billion SEK. - Designed, prototyped and verified a down-to-earth and pragmatic model for significant reduction of Working
Capital. - As of early 2018, and in recognition of contributions and capabilities, named an IACCM Fellow.