Bo Stevenberg
Bo has 23 years’ experience in the Electrolux Group, as Senior Vice President, reporting to Group Management. Bo’s international experience spans from Europe (incl. former Eastern Europe) to Russia, Latin America, Asia, Australia and to a certain extent the U.S.
Bo has been heading up recruitments from CEO level to lower/higher management positions, manpower supply, remuneration system and talent management programs.
He has participated in acquisition of companies, rationalization, organizational structuring and is accustomed to work with both small and large organizations.
Bo’s focus is organizational and staff development, talent management, leadership development and coaching and is very operational and competent in evaluating people and organizations.
Areas where Bo can make a professional contribution:
What I'm good at
My professional career has always been in the HR field since I was offered my first job in 1970.
From being just specialist in the personnel area in Sweden (since 1970), over the years I have become increasingly involved in business-oriented roles of a more and more international nature.
I have worked with very down-to-earth questions to more strategic and analytical business-related issues at Group management level.
Over 20 years of experience from factory systems and sales organizations as well as trade union organizations in Sweden have given me broad and deep knowledge of Swedish conditions.
Another more than 15 years of experience from all countries in Europe, the U.S., Latin America, Asia (including India and China), Australia and South Africa has supplemented my knowledge of international business both large and small.