Senior Advisers offer an extensive array of services and business management support 

Turn Around

Restructuring - Plans are great but the implementation process and time-to-action is the key to success and results

  • Increase - sales, profits and/or customers
  • Strategy development and plans
  • Identify & capitalize on opportunites - Isolate problems
  • Re-engineer business processes and models
  • Right-size organization and structures (cost)
  • Build and develop teams
  • Re-finance
  • Implement and drive
  • Exit

Internationalization / Nordic Establishment

In the Nordic, across Europe and beyond we can:

  • Conduct Market Studies
  • Company Acquisition / Due Diligence
  • Recruitment and Training
  • Start-Up / Establish presence
  • Set-up organization
  • Implement effective processes
  • Interim Management
  • Find, evaluate and secure Partners
  • Evaluate market potential
  • Strategy Development
  • Draw up business plans
  • Find suitable locations and offices
  • Negotiate contracts
  • Legal assistance - company registration etc.
  • Contact Relevant Authorities
  • Liaison between HQ and subsidiaries

Interim Management / Management Consulting

Interim Management & Consulting- roles, business phases and specialist competence

  • President, CEO, COO, CFO, CXO
  • Divisional and BU head
  • Corporate VP
  • Business / Sales / Market development
  • R&D
  • Finance, economy, IS/IT
  • Human Resources, management training, coaching
  • Interntionalization
  • Change / Transformation management 
  • Business re-engineering / Restructuring / Turn-around

Tailored Services

Management Consulting - broad business experience

  • Industrial, Manufacturing, Energy and Mining
  • ICT, Electronics, High-Tech
  • FMCG, Trade
  • Transportation and logistics
  • Property ownership and maintenane / Real Estate
  • Life Science
  • M&A
  • Public sector
  • Non-profit organizations


Leadership Counseling

  • Establish a professional Board Process
  • Strategy Workshop
  • Basic Training in Corporate Governance and Law
  • Advisory Board

Ad-hoc specific industry and trade expertise


Complete array of management support - all aspects involved in the generation of sustainable and profitable growth

-"Plan, organise, launch, drive and measure"

The Growth Generator - a structured and proven framework and set of tools to address and fast track sustainable growth.

  • Secure and Improve Profitability
  • Introduce Target Driven Process Development
  • Release Energy and Creativity 
  • Support Experienced Driven Change
  • Enable Transparent Risk Management
Copyright Senior Advisers 2020